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Unlike other open access publishers who have very high price for open access publishing, Sift Desk Journals set very small APC in order to ensure that everyone including authors/students from developing countries can afford publications without financial constraint. In order to reduce the burden on authors regarding their publication fee, two publication choices are proposed to our authors.
APC for Online Publication : $30
We understand that many authors prefer to get printed copy of the journal issue in which they publish. Sometimes they require printed copies to promote their published research through their university or public libraries and shared to their peers. Sift Desk Journals is always willing to provide ONE (1) complimentary copy to primary author free of charge however author is required to pay the courier charges of an extra amount of $175.
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Waiver Policies
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Journal Indexation is done to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. Once a journal is launched and has a track record of timely publication and solid content, it is appropriate to contact indexing and abstracting services for consideration. The decision to include a journal is based on several factors, most importantly a great deal of high quality content, with much more in the pipeline, that is produced on schedule.
DOIs are important to authors because the DOI guarantees that readers will always be able to find their work. They will be able to get to the author's content in electronic form readily from anywhere in the world. DOIs are important to students and researchers because the DOIs enable them to find the content time and again. All content on the Internet is prone to being moved, restructured, or deleted. The result is often broken hyperlinks and nonworking URLs in reference lists. To resolve this problem, most scholarly publishers assign a DOI to journal articles and other documents.
Reviewers play a central role in scholarly publishing. Peer review helps validate research, establish a method by which it can be evaluated, and increase networking possibilities within research communities. Despite criticisms, peer review is still the only widely accepted method for research validation. If appropriate, they suggest revisions. If they find the article lacking in scholarly validity and rigor, they reject it.
We know that academics and researchers are working in an increasingly competitive market and that our authors are frequently asked to demonstrate the impact your research has had on the wider community. Using social media effectively can help you to engage with your peers and the academic community as a whole. In turn, this will help to encourage both usage and citations of your work.
Some Quick and easy Promotional activities are Adding a link to your journal article in your email signature, Blogging is a fantastic way of raising your profile. Twitter is a great way of sharing information quickly, and is less intrusive than some other social media networks. Face book is a great way for you to communicate directly with your audience, share insights into your industry and work, or perhaps share your journey as you write your publication. LinkedIn is a social network specifically designed to help professionals to connect with each other. By setting up an account you can give a brief history of your work, your research interests, your professional experience and you can also follow groups with similar interests to you.