Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies

ISSN: 2472-6397

Impact Factor: 1.235


Exploration of grass flora for their floristic composition, ethnomedicinal values and forage usage in Hygam Wetland of Baramulla District (JK) India.


The present research work was designed to explore the grass flora Hygam wetland, locally known as Hygam Jhil, for their floristic composition, ethnomedicinal values and forage usage that had not been studied so far. The twelve species of grasses were reported during the present field investigation. The collected species were identified and preserved in the form of herbarium. Identified species belonging to four subfamily viz. Panicoideae, Chloridoideae, Arunidinoideae and Pooideae with their 6, 2, 2, 1 and 1 representatives, respectively. The density of collected species were reported in a range from maximum 5 in Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers to minimum 0.6 in among the collected species. The recorded species were further investigated for floristic study to know the floral wealth of wetland. Finally, the collected species were studied for their ethnomedicinal and forage usage.

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