Rui Zhang
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Page No: 21-24
Rui Zhang
Rui Zhang1,2*, Yu Liu3, MeiRong Sun4, Honglian Zhang2, Zhihui Zhao3, Hui Du2, Yan Liao2 , QinHua Hou2,
1Shenzhen Institute of Guangdong Ocean University, Shenzhen, 518108, P. R. China
2The Centre of Modern Biochemistry, Guang Dong Ocean University, Guang Dong ZhanJiang. 524088,, P. R. China
3College of Agriculture, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088, P. R. China
4Shenzhen GuiBao Scinese Science and technology co., LTD. Shenzhen, 518101, P. R. China
Liyuan Zhang(
Hongwu Tang(
Ma%c5%82gorzata Grzesiuk(
Emilian Florin Mo%c8%99negu%c8%9bu(
RUI ZHANG, Offshore Polluted Water treatment by biocomposites flocculation (2020) Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies 5(1) pp:21-24
Water of Shenzhen western coastal is heavily polluted, with a DO of 0.3-1.0 mg/L and turbidity of 13. Moreover, the water is in black color with sedimentary silt and bad smell. Therefore, Coastal water purification, silt clearance and smell expelling are necessary in order to recover the offshore ecology. It is urgent to find efficient, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly methods for the coastal sewage treatment. In this paper, the wastewater collected from Da Chan Bay and Qian Hai Bay was treated using various biological flocculants. The results showed that the removal rate of turbidity was 66.1~78.6%, and ammonia nitrogen (H4N+-N) was 44.2~50.9%. TN was 49.8~53.2%, COD was 69.6~64.3%, TP was 47. 5~51.2%, and the removal rate of harmful marine vibrio was 81.3~93.8%. The results showed, the biological flocculants could be used to effectively treat the coastal wastewater.
Key words: polluted water, Shenzhen western offshore,biocomposites flocculation, treatment
The heavy pollution of coastal water is a serious problem all over the world. So is Shenzhen western offshore water[1-3]. Coastal pollution has a negative effect on ocean ecology, the surrounding residents. There were some mathods to be used to restored the pollution. An sustainable plant-based repair method has been introduced in Europe [4]. and coastal mud flat wetlands have a specific optimisation function[5-8], In the mean time, The salt tolerance and restoration mechanism of these plants have been investigated,The restorative plants can reduce the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutritive salts [9-11], the technology was applied in a bio-floating bed[12-15]。But it costly and spent so long times. Recently, microbial communities was used to reduce discharge of coastal sewage [14-22]. But it had many unstabilizing factor, because of its mobility and openness. Flocculation precipitation technology has been widely used as the main technology of sewage treatment. Especially biological polysaccharide-based materials used as adsorbents in wastewater treatment is a sample and environment-friendly way[23-25]. But it seldom used in treatment of coastal pollution water.
Da Chan Bay sewage (black smelly wastewater) was collected in Jan.-Feb., 2013 at Da Chan Bay, locating at E115 degree (113,51’, 41.74”); N23 degree (22,33’ 18”). (H: 3.9 m, precision: 4.2 m). And Qian Hai Bay polluted water was sampled at Qian Hai Bay Mar.-April., 2013 locating at E114 degree (114,48’, 35.21”); N22 degree (22,57’ 40”). (H: 4.5 m, precision: 4.3 m).
Shenzhen western offshore wastewater was treated using different flocculants (Table 1), including (A) chitosan acetic acid solution, (B) carboxymethyl chitosan, (C) cation starch, (D) double tenth eight dimethyl ammonium chloride, (E) chitosan quaternary ammonium salt hydroxypropyl, (b) sodium alga (sodium alginate) and (d) sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), polymerize ferric sulfate(PFe) . Wastewater that untreated was used as the negative control.
Table 1. Different ratios and dosages of environment friendly composites used in processing aquaculture wastewater(10ppm respectively)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ab |
Bb |
Cb |
Db |
Eb |
Ad |
Bd |
Cd |
Dd |
Ed |
PFeb |
Negative |
The A, B, C, D, E was added to 10 L wastewater respectively and mixed well. After 10 minutes, b or d was added to the mixture and mixed well. flocculation and sedimentation started to show up after one hour. Then Water quality aws detected. Water quality include dissolvedoxygen (DO), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphate(TP) and harmful marine vibrio.
In the present investigation, the wastewater collected from Shenzhen western offshore wastewater was treated using various biological flocculants. Among those flocculants, group1(Ab) and group11(PFeb) showed the best results, by which the DO of polluted water was improved up to 6.3~7.2 mg/L and the turbidity was reduced to 2~3. The removal rate (RR) of turbidity was 66.1~78.6%, and The removal rate (RR) of ammonia nitrogen (H4N+-N) was 44.2~50.9%. The removal rate (RR) of TN was 49.8~53.2%, The removal rate (RR) of COD was 69.6~64.3%%, The removal rate (RR) of TP was 47. 5~51.2% , and the removal rate of harmful marine vibrio was 81.3~93.8%. In addition, Ab and Eb were optimum for reducing the turbidity and harmful marine vibrio and TP. Ab was optimum for removing TN and COD ( Figure 1). So Ab was the optimum composites.
Fig 1. Removal Rate of polluted water by compounded flocculants
Polysaccharide-based materials such as chitosan molecules consist of abundant groups of amino and hydroxyl, resulting in their excellent ability of adsorption and coordination. Polysaccharide-based materials used as adsorbents in wastewater treatment WAS developmented quickly in recent. Therefore, chitosan is widely used in the treatment of polluted water in foreign countries. For example, 500 tons of chitosan are consumed annually in Japan for the wastewater treatment, and chitosan is mainly used for the purification of feedwater and drinking water in USA. Flocculation precipitation using compounded bioflocculants is a promising direction in the sewage treatment. However, few studies have thoroughly compared bio-flocculants, organic and inorganic flocculants as well as their compounded flocculants for the treatment of neritic zone wastewater. Our data provided a scientific basis for the application of compounded bioflocculants for the coastal sewage treatment.
This research was supported by The Future Industrial Development Fund of Shenzhen (JCYJ20170413111950426), Innovative Strong School Engineering Key Platform Projects by Department of Education in Guangdong Province (2018302), and The National Natural Science Foundation of China((41706129)
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