Corrigendum: Polymerized 4-Fold Coordinated Carbonate Melts in the Deep Mantle


Chrystèle Sanloup, Jessica M. Hudspeth, Veronika Afonina, Benjamin Cochain, Zuzana Konôpková, Gérald

A Corrigendum on
Polymerized 4-Fold Coordinated Carbonate Melts in the Deep Mantle

by Sanloup, C., Hudspeth, J. M., Afonina, V., Cochain, B., Konôpková, Z., Lelong, G., et al. (2019). Front. Earth Sci. 7:72. doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00072

In the original article, there was a mistype in Equation (2) used to simulate the experimental C-O contribution on g(r) (Figure 3B).

A correction has been made to Section 2, Density Measurements, equation 2:

g(r)=cCcOKCKOZtot2nSAσ2πexp (-(r-d)22σ2)    (2)

where cC and cO are the atomic proportions of carbon and oxygen, KC and KO are defined as the average effective atomic number over the experimental q-range (Eggert et al., 2002) and calculated using form factors from Hajdu (1972). Other parameters are as defined in the article.

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.


Eggert, J. H., Weck, G., Loubeyre, P., and Mezouar, M. (2002). Quantitative structure factor and density measurements of high-pressure in diamond anvil cells by x-ray diffraction: Argon and water. Phys. Rev. B 65:174105. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.174105

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Hajdu, F. (1972). Revised parameters of the analytic fits for coherent and incoherent scattered X-ray intensities of the first 36 atoms. Acta Cryst. A 28, 250–252.

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