
Ecology and Environmental Sciences
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All aspects of basic and applied ecology, Community ecology, Wildlife ecology, Wildlife management, Invasion ecology, Theories in ecology, Ecological Modeling, Ecosystems, Ecological Succession, Human ecology, Animal ecology, Plant ecology, Policies in Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, Biodiversity,Marine ecology, Restoration ecology, Evolution of pathogens and relevant diseases, Management of Agro-ecosystem, Biogeography etc.
Environmental Sciences
Conservation biology, Laws of conservations, Global Change, Environmental pollution, Habitat management, Management and use of Land· Urban and Rural environment, Pest management, Weed management, Disease management, Waste management and associated technologies etc.
Genus or in plural genera is known as the taxonomical hierarchy above species containing one or multiple species under it. The further hierarchy in taxonomy contains family. For instance, Staphylococcus is an example of bacterial genus where it may have one or multiple species under it.
Molecular evolution
Molecular evolution denotes the study of evolution at molecular level of genes, proteins or genomes.
Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA)
Following the evolutionary concept it is believed that all organisms descended from a single one. Practically, for specific calculations it is not feasible to consider the actual origin; therefore, out of a group of organisms under consideration the most recent ancestor from which all other might have descended is computed, thus, the organism which is comparatively oldest among the group is known as Most Recent Common Ancestor.
Animal Ecology
Animal ecology refers to the study of animals with reference to their respective environment which considers several aspects such as from environmental factors to evolution.
Biodiversity refers to the richness of species on earth or for a particular geographical region. Understanding and assessment of biodiversity for different region is mandatory to obtain insight about the environmental changes and their impact on the local flora and fauna.
Community Ecology
In a specific time frame if two or more number of species is sharing a common geographical area that is known as community ecology. In other words, assembly of different species in a specific geographical area in a particular time and dwelling as a co-habitat is referred under community ecology
Conservation Biology
Considering the importance of multiple disciplines in biological sciences, conservation biology probably claims much attention due to its impactful presence. As human we are responsible for conserving the Earth’s biosphere and maintain it properly while saving all co-dwellers. To do so, conservation of the endangered species and preventing species extinction to the highest level is of great importance.
Disease Management
Susceptibility to multiple diseases is a common fact of life. Managing those stressful situations and taking proper decision in such situations is necessary. Disease management requires proper preparation and mental ability and most of all perfect planning according to the situation demand. Depending on the epidemics and remedy available, quarantine and medication should be planned so that a particular outbreak must not impact a larger population or spread through a vast geographical area.
Ecological Modeling
Measuring ecological behavior of a particular component in a real time scenario may be time consuming and requires ample efforts, in several situations results of such ecological experimentation is cumbersome. Mathematical modeling has become a better alternative in such conditions and may provide a deep insight for understanding the interrelation of different ecological components through computation and predict their future issues. Agent based model, partial differential equations along with other mathematical techniques are frequently used for this purpose.
Ecological Succession
Ecological succession is refers to the gradual alteration of a species structure habiting in a particular ecological community over a particular time period. The time frame could be in relation to some natural incidence such as natural disaster, mass extinction etc. and the time scale can be from some decades to millions of years.
Different interacting organisms co-dwelling in a particular geographical area and their relation with surrounding environment forms an ecosystem.
Environmental Pollution
Pollution refers to the alteration of the natural component proportions beyond a threshold limit specified by the assessment committee for a particular region. Environmental pollutions lead towards destruction of our ecosystem which eventually may become critical factor for our survival in this planet.
Alteration of inheritable traits in a biological population over generations is known as evolution. Understanding molecular evolution has been an interesting branch of science where interdisciplinary approaches are implemented to understand the gradual changes and their impact on a species.
Invasion Ecology
Breaching the territory of a species by another one through migration, influential invasion due to any reason is considered as invasion ecology.
Marine Ecology
Marine ecology refers to the ecological conditions dealing with the marine life. As marine ecology is believed as one of the oldest ecology in the planet and is maintained in a different way rather than the terrestrial ecological aspects, therefore, deep insight in marine flora and fauna are important.
Pest Management
Pest management is important for the reduction in crops generated and stored for the consumption and disease causing carriers. Depending on the type of pest strategies are devised for the reduction of pest population which encompasses physical, molecular and chemical methods.
This subject is dealing with the techniques, applications and outcomes with relation to the evolution, to be specific, phylogeny deals with divergence of species with reference to their molecular, geographical and other properties. In general, divergence of different species are calculated depending on the synonymous and non-synonymous features of the sequences, estimation of evolutionary rate is performed and scientific understanding related to the selection pressure on particular genes, proteins or organisms following the neutral theory are considered under this subject.
Waste Managements
Disposition of different types of waste including agricultural waste, electronic waste, toxic waste, chemical waste etc. have raised a major concern in relation to environmental protection. Management of such conditions in a proper way requires a lot for efforts and interdisciplinary strategy for an effective solution. Proper disposition and recycling of the waste materials wherever possible is the need of the time
Waste Managements, Phylogenetics, Pest Management, Marine Ecology, Invasion Ecology, Evolution, Environmental Pollution, Ecosystems, Ecological Succession, Ecological Modeling, Disease Management, Conservation Biology, Community Ecology, Biodiversity, Animal Ecology, Molecular evolution, GenusJournal Recent Articles
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The role of marine microorganisms in offshore pollution remediation Ⅰ
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