
Ecosystem & Ecography
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Marine Ecosystems
Marine ecosystems are part of the earth’s aquatic ecosystem. The habitats that make up this vast system range from the productive near shore regions to the barren ocean floor. The marine waters may be fully saline, brackish or nearly fresh.
Ecosystem Service
Ecosystem Services are the benefits that humans receive from nature. These benefits underpin almost every aspect of human well-being, including our food and water, security, health, and economy.
Ecosystem-Level Measuring
Ecosystem-level measuring theory deals with species distributions and community patterns, the role and function of key species, and combines species functions and interactions.
Semiarid Ecosystem Soil Properties
Many soils of the Mediterranean region with a semiarid climate are subjected to progressive degradation as a result of water erosion.
Spatial Distribution
Spatial distribution is a specialization in ecology and geography that is concerned with the identification of spatial patterns and their relationships to ecological phenomena.
Coral Reef Ecology
Hard corals form the backbone of the coral reef ecosystem, providing an intricate three-dimensional structure with hiding places and habitat for thousands of species of fish, invertebrates like clams, shrimp, sea stars, sponges, and anemones, sea turtles, and many other animals.
Biodiversity short for biological diversity, is the term used to describe the variety of life found on Earth and all of the natural processes. This includes ecosystem, genetic and cultural diversity.
Ecology and Migration of Animal
Animals move across different spatial and temporal scales either as part of their daily life or as part of seasonal migrations to exploit resources in the environment.
Aquatic Ecosystems
An aquatic ecosystem is an ecosystem in a body of water. Communities of organisms that are dependent on each other and on their environment live in aquatic ecosystems. The two main types of aquatic ecosystems are marine ecosystems and freshwater ecosystems.
Conservation Biology
It is the scientific study of the nature and of Earth's biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction and the erosion of biotic interactions.
Endangered Species
Endangered species are those considered to be at risk of extinction, meaning that there are so few left of their kind that they could disappear from the planet altogether.
Species Composition
Species composition is the identity of all the different organisms that make up a community. This is important when trying to discover how an ecosystem works, and how important different organisms are to an environment.
Population Dyanamics
A population is a group of individuals who live together in the same habitat and are likely to interbreed. Each population has a unique physical distribution in time and space.
Sustainable Forest Management
Sustainable forest management is one of the most contentious issues in environmental management. This book provides a comprehensive and integrated review of the social, economic and conservation issues involved.
Species Rarity
A species is rare because it has relatively few individuals; it is very uncommon or scarce. Rarity is a relative concept and is related to the physical size of the individuals as well as the pattern of their distribution.
Distribution Aggregation
The spatial arrangement of population members reveals much about how they live and interact with their environment. Distribution patterns are of uniform distribution, Random distribution, and Clumped distributions.
Forest Biome
Forest Biomes represent the largest and most ecologically complex systems. They contain a wide assortment of trees, plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, insects and micro-organisms which vary depending on the zone's climates.
Sustainability Dynamics
Sustainability is the ability to continue a defined behaviour indefinitely. Sustainability is sustainable development, which means sustainable economic growth, which is an oxymoron.
Phytoplankton Abundance
Phytoplankton are organisms that live in the water column, these are divided into several major groups based on their evolutionary relationship. Diversity and Abundance are estimated by counting and measuring phytoplankton in lake water samples.
Lake Circulation
Lakes are major factors in determining where suspended sediment is deposited and resuspended. The location for sediment deposition is correlated with water velocity. Water moving at faster velocities generally carries more sediment and at slower velocities deposits more sediment.
Leaf Morphology
Leaves are organs sensitive to environmental changes in the process of evolution and may exhibit phenotypic plasticity as a response to abiotic stress. The morphological parameters we investigated include leaf size, shape and venation pattern which can be easily measured in the field.
Tropical Aquaculture
Aquaculture is defined as the farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants.
Marine Conservation
Marine conservation is the protection and preservation of ecosystems in oceans and seas. Marine conservation focuses on limiting human-caused damage to marine ecosystems, and on restoring damaged marine ecosystems.
Tropical Ecosystems
Tropical ecology is the study of the relationships between the biotic and abiotic components of the tropics, or the area of the Earth that lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The tropical climate experiences hot, humid weather and rainfall year round.
Environmental Tourism
Environmental tourism typically defined as travel to destinations where the flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the adverse effects of traditional tourism on the natural environment, and enhance the cultural integrity of local people.
Marine ecosystems, aquatic ecosystem, Ecosystem-level measuring, Semiarid Ecosystem, Soil Properties, Spatial Distribution, Coral Reef Ecology, Biodiversity, Forest Biome, Lake Circulation, Leaf Morphology, Tropical Aquaculture, Tropical EcosystemsJournal Recent Articles
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